Discover Life

Discover Life
What Starts In Here Will Reach The World!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Discover Life: Wrapping Up February 2015 - Watch Your Gauges!!!

Discover Life: Wrapping Up February 2015 - Watch Your Gauges!!!: February is behind us!  What a month it has been too.  The students were instrumental in their support of several retreats, including a minister's retreat. They were also able to attend and glean from the minister's retreat. The students were intensely challenged by the speakers' call for ministers to find contentment and balance in their lives and let that have its effect on their ministry. The support for these retreats is exhaustive. The students cut and stack the wood, clean the whole facility, help with the kitchen, maintain and repair all facilities and equipment, etc. It is a pleasure to serve. We refer to all menial labor as "worship" because that is what it is. The labors of the students provide much of the platform for every person who receives ministry up here in any way. It is a thrill to see people praying for someone who has relaxed enough to open up an issue while sitting in front of a huge fire place with a warming fire on wood cut, split, stacked, and replenished by our students. That's just one example. There truly is no end to the wide reaching effects resulting from a person being willing to labor in love.